
I wanted to post this and could not figure out how to put another picture. This was a
Week before DeWayne died. I came up to Cheyenne and I always tried to c them (they were always on ‘my Favorites’ list. Of
Course Hudson wouldn’t miss a chance to See DeWayne. So fortunately we spent an afternoon with them laughing as usual. I’m so happy we had that day. We always talked about ‘Shark week’ and he always introduced me to any new ‘Shark Stuff’ he got . Including his new TP holder. I wish I could find the videos I have of DeWayne on the floor, wrestling with Hudson when he was just a little guy. Although DeWayne was sick, not feeling well, and I believe had recently had surgery because Debbie was worried about Hudson jumping and pouncing and beating all over him, and DeWayne loved every minute of it. Although he suffered with his health, he enriched our Lives, brought laughter, comedy, and love to most everyone that knew him. ( except for that burger guy, not him)

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