Greg Venette

The first time I met DeWayne he pointed at Jeffrey and said “Ever notice how his head is misshaped? That’s cause I dropped him on his head when he was a baby.” From then on I knew we shared the same dark sense of humor.
He was never afraid to say anything and could easily lighten the mood with his humor. At the same time it was easy to see that he loved his family dearly and did everything he could to express that to them. A sweet man with a tough outer-shell – like an M&M. Who doesn’t like those!?
I am glad that I got to know him and look forward to the day when he is fully healthy and young again – who knows what he will say then. 🙂

Our love and sympathy go out to the entire Owens tribe.


  1. Oh my Greg, I didnt remember him saying that! Yes my life has been a bit crazy with that sense of humor but has gotten us through some rough times. Thank you for being such supportive family friends. Love you all

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