Jennifer McCarty (Wynn)

Jennifer McCarty (Wynn)

I met DeWayne when I was 10 and one of my favorite memories is that he always thought I was “scheming” to try to stay over one more night with Nikki or to get her to come to my house 🤣 whether we were scheming or not he always made me laugh, always made me feel welcome at their house, and his joy no matter, what was contagious. Can’t wait to welcome him back. We’ll miss you Dewayne 🥰


  1. Jen I love this picture. He had so much fun with you two. One of his favorite memories was getting to surprise you with a ride in the limo to Lori’s wedding. Thanks for your visits to see the “old folk” too. Love you all

  2. 😭 oh Debbie that is one of my favorite memories too. 🥰🥰🥰🥰

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