Marla Venette

My memories of DeWayne always go hand in hand with Debbie too, they are always so kind and loving towards everyone! They truly make anyone who spends time with them feel so at ease and at home! And I especially love how DeWayne always brought so much joy and humor to any situation he was in!

I’m so glad we were able to go to the monster truck show with DeWayne and Debbie and the fam, pre-Covid, we had so much fun together!! And I love to hear Jeffrey tell stories about how fun DeWayne made everyday life for him and his sisters growing up. DeWayne was a very special person, and loved by so many!!

I can’t wait until we can see him again, happy and healthy and making everyone around him laugh!!


  1. Marla thank you so much! We had fun too. Wish we could have done more fun things. Life is too short right now but forever looms! Love you

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