Pam Green

My daughter is married to DeWayne and Debbie’s son. When my father was hospitalized and near death, (December 2002), all of my family was at the hospital to be with my father. DeWayne came to hospital, and stayed till the end. He brought 2 dozen Krispy Kreme donuts for everyone. In that moment, I thought how kind of him to come and stay with all of us. And there were no donuts left. A simple act that meant so much to me. He deeply loved his family. He endured a lot of pain, but always wanted to help his children.


  1. My favorite memory of DeWayne is that in March of 2018 we both got to witness the Baptism of our Grand Children Nicolas and Ma Kenna at our Circuit Assembly what a JOYUS day that was. We pray that Jehovah provide comfort, support and strength and be assured that DeWayne is in the memory of our Loving, Gracious God Jehovah. Looking forward to seeing him and all of us in PERFECT health.

  2. Dave and Pam. Thank you so much for those lovely memories! My memory is not so great anymore so those are a treasure to me. Thank you, also, for all the love and support over the years and sharing “our inheritance”. Love you

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